For a substitution with gene symbol, position, reference and alternate alleles known, please use this service:
Gene and variation based queryAlternatively, please use this service to identify allele interactively if HGVS expression or transcript is not available.
Interactively generate variationThis option provides a search box for entering multiple HGVS expressions (one per line). For alleles present in the allele registry, the search returns canonical allele identifiers. For valid alleles not present in the allele registry, the search results provide a button to register an allele.
Bulk QueryLogin is required to register new alleles and obtain their canonical identifiers.
Create LoginIf you already have an account and forgot either your login or password, please follow this link. You will need your email address to recover your login credentials.
Forgot LoginPlease contact us at if you have any questions.
The allele registry provides and maintains identifiers for genetic variants.
Presentation by Erin Riggs that provides introduction and basic use cases of the ClinGen Allele Registry
Presentation by Prof. Aleks Milosavljevic at NHGRI-KOMP2 annual meeting
Presentation by Andrew Grant on How to map legacy variants to ClinGen Allele Registry identifers?
ClinGen Allele Registry links information about genetic variants.
Hum Mutat. 2018 (11):1690-1701. doi:10.1002/humu.23637
Mapping of human chromosomes to reference sequence accession.
Please feel free to contact us at for any questions or feedback.